Before you sleep, spend 15 minutes reflecting on the day's events. Assess where you went wrong, decide to do better tomorrow, and congratulate yourself on jobs well done.
Choose to forgive & forget, and go to sleep with a smile on your face. You'll find yourself having sweeter dreams & waking up feeling more refreshed!
There's a proverb which goes, 'Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die'. Hmm.
External Beauty Tip #2
Most people think they have to spend a lot of time, energy, and money, but this isn't true!
The National Ministry of Health recommends exercising 3 times a week, 20 minutes per session.
It doesn't have to be boring or expensive. Make a date with a friend to go brisk walking. Get a pair of dumbbells - they're affordable, portable, and come in many happy colours!
You can also find lots of useful home exercise videos FOC on YouTube! :)
Internal Beauty Tip #1
Smile :)
It doesn’t cost you anything,
It lightens your heart,
It brightens up your face!
If you find it difficult to smile due to personal problems, etc, we at insideoutgrace wanna encourage you to find time to be thankful for as many things as you can.
E.g. “I am thankful that I can walk, I can talk, I can read, I can smile, etc.”
You can’t control how you feel, but you can control what you think and do, and that makes all the difference!
External Beauty Tip #1
Drink lotsa water! (8-10 glasses a day)
It reduces dehydration. Water improves the condition of your skin and gives it a healthier glow!
It reduces hunger. Water prevents you from feeling hungry unnecessarily, helping maintain a healthy sense of self-control.
It reduces bad breath. A dry mouth leads to bad breath. Water is a common breath remedy!
hey... what size does this fit until? can it be tried on? Joanna here btw =, from CF.
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